Why hello there!
I’m Maura and you may wonder why I’m suddenly calling myself an “Intuitive Realtor”
a little backstory
After all, I’ve been a practicing Realtor for over 10 years. So let me share a little backstory. For well over 20 years, I’ve been drawn to the metaphysical. I devoured anything and everything to do with astrology, numerology, Tarot, and Oracle cards.
I knew I was intuitive, and I loved to play games with myself choosing and usually precisely who the buyer of the home I was listing would be, or just knowing which house my buyer was going to want to submit an offer on.
I also always cleared the energy on any vacant properties I listed and watched them sell with ease, but that is where I stopped. I wasn’t ready to be perceived in a “different or unconventional” way.
until one day…
I had a client who I just did not like, no matter how hard I tried I could not find any attributes about this client that were positive. I dislike judging people, and the way it makes me feel.
So, on my way to show this client’s home one day, I looked up at the sky and asked (God, The Universe) for the judgment I was feeling towards my client to be removed.
I walked into the house, sat down and all I could hear was this booming voice in my head saying “Save me, clean me,” at that second, I realized the house, or the spirit of the house was talking to me, and everything then and there shifted. I no longer was upset with my client; I was on a mission to save the house from my client.
The rest is history—I started leaning more and more into listening to the intuitive and energetic gifts I was given.
working with you
That was over 3 years ago and ever since then, those intuitive and energetic gifts have blossomed. I wish to now work with clients who want to know about and appreciate the energy of the house and land they purchase.
I want to help buyers find a home where their energy and the energy of the home will easily be harmonized and balanced so living there will be uplifting.
For sellers who wish to sell their homes with more ease, I can use my gifts for furniture placement so that the energy moves freely through the space with ease and by clearing any old, stagnant energy in the home and land to raise the vibration of the house.
i sincerely believe
We are all energetic extensions of the home we choose to live in.
Our home’s energy should help raise our vibration and the vibration of all its occupants. Let’s create some home magic together!